Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I'm a Weak Kid

Forced myself to walk to uni because i thought that there's quiz for piano pad.
When i reached there, i was half dead. I can't even stand up and talk properly.
Yeah.....you got me, there's no quiz!!!!!! Arghhh......

Skipped psycho class and came back condo to rest. I slept for so many hours. Got a bit fever summore.

Thank God i'm feeling better now. I hope i'll recover by tomorrow.

Tomorrow gonna be a super hectic day. Need to work for the graduationg thing from 1pm to 5pm. Worst is having orchestra till 10pm.
Aww man........................i hate night classes!!!!

Time for a good sleep. Luckily i won't be having major tomorrow. Goodnight dears!

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