Monday, March 24, 2008

Tired :(

I think i love my blog too much, would rather sacrifice my sleeping time to blog.

Just to show some random pictures ;)

The books i bought during last sem break holidays which is on clearance. It only cost me about 100++. I'm only done reading -Weekend in Paris (lovely story) i would like to spend a weekend there as well!! -Making your mind up (i'm so old already can't even recall the storyline now :/)

The others neglected for some time until the next sem break comes then i'll probably finish up them.

Lecka-lecka!!! Craving for it now! Reminds me that Jaay dude still owe me Haagan Daaz!

Dinner that we cook few weeks back. Basically we're only helping out, Ann's the master chef preparing everything. Hehe...

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